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Amp Trouble


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My Vox AC50 is making this weird hum noise.


It starts out real low and gets louder and louder and then starts all over again.


It does this even when I have everything turned all the way down and in both channels.


What could this be?


I don't really post in the amp thread, so you guys are my only hope. Just like Obi Wan.


Any help will be much appreciated.



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my mesa did the same thing. one of the power tubes was red plating and the reason why it got louder was because the amp was running hotter as it was left on. turn your amp on and look at the tubes and see if one is noticeably redder than the others (when it starts making the noise)

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can you tell me what you signal chain is. this sounds like what happened to me once when one of the pedals in my loop was dying.

does it make the noise with everything unplugged? did you check for bad/microphonic pre amp/power amp tubes? make sure the speaker cables arent bad or disconnected?

im not an expert by a longshot but these are the things i would check. hope you find out soon. the ac50 is a sweet amp.

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If it still does it when everything is turned down, as he indicated, then that would eliminate the pedals, guitar, and anything behind the master volume.

This sounds like it's either a power tube or power supply problem. bluehuricane's suggestion sounds like a reasonable thing to check. I'd also check the rectifier tube. Vox amps are known to eat rectifiers for breakfast.

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Thanks for all of the replies chaps.:thu:

Ill take a look at those tubes after I get off of work today.

Its definitely not my board as I was playing through my Bassman with it not ten minutes before I turned on my Vox.

I hate it when tubes go out as there aren't any places that carry good tubes in my area, and I hate waiting for them in the mail:mad:

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