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Can someone advise on another forum like this one that bans low-lifes from trolling and posting useless crap on my threads? My 5 year old daughter is more intelligent than half the people on here. Has more manners too. Sorry if I offended anyone. If the shoe fits, wear it. I'm new here. I came expecting helpful replies to my questions. Instead, I get a bunch of morons telling me to smoke crack or whatever. Get a life, losers.


I do enjoy the occasional "jab" or "flame", but this is rediculous.


I'd like to thank the "better half" for making my stay here at HCFX enjoyable and rewarding.


For the rest of you, instead of wasting time posting nonsense, walk to mama's house and tell her that she shouldn't have been snorting coke when she was giving birth to you.

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Can someone advise on another forum like this one that bans low-lifes from trolling and posting useless crap on my threads? My 5 year old daughter is more intelligent than half the people on here. Has more manners too. Sorry if I offended anyone. If the shoe fits, wear it. I'm new here. I came expecting helpful replies to my questions. Instead, I get a bunch of morons telling me to smoke crack or whatever. Get a life, losers.

I do enjoy the occasional "jab" or "flame", but this is rediculous.

I'd like to thank the "better half" for making my stay here at HCFX enjoyable and rewarding.

For the rest of you, instead of wasting time posting nonsense, walk to mama's house and tell her that she shouldn't have been snorting coke when she was giving birth to you.





Wow. You're incredibly lame.



I mean, come on...



walk to mama's house and tell her that she shouldn't have been snorting coke when she was giving birth to you.




REALLY? Is that the best you can do?

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My tourettes is acting up. It's been a rough day. Sorry for the insults. I know there's a lot of good folks on here. I'll stay and deal with the nonsense. Some of it is truly crap though. Anyone want to have an e-beer? Know any good jokes? Man, I need a smoke.

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My tourettes is acting up. It's been a rough day. Sorry for the insults. I know there's a lot of good folks on here. I'll stay and deal with the nonsense. Some of it is truly crap though. Anyone want to have an e-beer? Know any good jokes? Man, I need a smoke.



Is this a new form of tourettes where you randomly type out words?

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maybe you asked a stupid question?

and in a sense your trolling, so you are just as bad.

Thanks and goodbye!

I'm not one to argue brother, but I challenge you to search my posts and find a stupid question that I've asked.

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