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My Board-less Pedalboard


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It's a work in progress, I'll admit, but here's what I've got at the moment.




From left to right, we have:


-a Danelectro PB&J delay. wouldn't be a bad pedal, if it wasn't noisy and the build quality wasn't so low. I do like the sound, but I think I'm upgrading to either a Dano Reel Echo or a Ibanez DE-7 at some point.

-a Danelectro FAB chorus. Say what you will about it, but for a $15 chorus, it's golden. I think I'll be changing over to some sort of Univibe clone soon, though.

- a Boss BD-2 Blues Driver. I bought this primarily as a clean booster for my fuzz (copying a tactic used to great success by David Gilmour), but I quickly realized my Valve Jr. didn't have nearly enough headroom for something like that to work. Thus, it's in limbo at the moment, though it was useful at adding in some much needed treble to my setup. I plan on upgrading it in the future.

-a Boss OD-1 Overdrive. If I can call it such a thing, this is the crown jewel of my board, even though I don't use it too much. If my research is to be believed, this hasn't been made for over 23 years (I got it as a gift from my dad's friend, when he upgraded to a Boss Multi-effect of some sort), and is obviously more basic in design then the current Boss overdrives. Provides a nice contrast to my BD-2, though, the OD-1 with its mid-hump and the BD-2 with its flat EQ.

-a BYOC Fuzz Face clone. My main distortion unit at the moment. Your run-of-the-mill germanium fuzz. This thing can howl/oscillate like mad, which is why I tend to like it. pure, unadultered fuzz. might end up switching to something like a RAT in the future, though, it's not the most versatile beast.


The only new thing I plan on adding is a volume pedal of some sort.




Well, enjoy. I can get you additional pics of the OD-1, if you want.

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cool stuff. i don't have a board either, since i'm a bedroom player. pedals just sitting on the floor like yours at present.

lots of people here would recommend you to replace the dano delay with a de-7. really great for the money even new. i'd love to try one out some day personally.

also, i've heard a modded blues drive sounds way better than a stock one. you might be interested in the mod that keeley offers.

and your od-1 looks so cool. i used to have an mij od-2 a while ago, but i kind of miss it now.

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That...thing you have them all on...inspires me to put all my pedals on a fabric type-blanket or placemat thing...so when i want to transport my pedals, i just roll it up into a cylindrical fashion and carry it on my back.

Well, if you really have to know where to get one, I can ask my mother where she buys her placemats. ;)

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