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RC-20xl Loop Station Help....


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I just picked up one of these up and i'm having some trouble getting my recorded loops and what i'm playing over the top to sound any good together. Any tips? ive got the input volume where it should be, i just cant seem to get them to balance, seems like no mater i'm doing what i'm playing over the top makes the loop that's playing disappear. :confused: i'm totally new to the loop station thing! help please

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You might be erasing the original when you over dub.I set the tempo with the right pedal.When you hit the left pedal to record it will give you a 4 count before it starts recording.Keep that count going when you want to stop hit the right pedal.To over dub hit the left pedal to play, when your ready to over dub hit the left pedal again start playing when done hit the right pedal.Over dubs can be erased by holding the left pedal down, the original can be erased by holding the right pedal down. Any more question pm me. Good luck

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