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Proper Pedal Placement...


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MXR Dynacomp, Keep the GE-7, replace the DS-1 with a nice fuzz, try a big muff first, drop the OD-3, get a Small Clone, Get an RV-3, keep the DD-6, and keep the RC-2.



I'm asking for the PROPER PLACEMENT not proper REplacement

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Guys what's the best placement for my pedals?

Boss CS3, GE-7, DS-1, OD-3, CE-20, RV-5, DD-6, RC-2 and RMC 3?



The order you've listed is good. I'd move the Wah to the beginning. The GE-7 can go wherever you want to shape your tone. I'd probably put it before the CS-3, but you could put it after the distortion.

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