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My Blues Driver Died!! :(

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Well today I tried plugging into my blues driver but I noticed the sound was terribly fizzy sounding and the volume level had dropped significantly. Im thinking its one of the jacks because the same thing happens even when the pedal is off. Has this happened to anyone else? and is there a simply solution?

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Tough luck, there's not much inside them to go wrong though, if you get stuck ask soemone who knows some basic electronics to take a look, should be pretty easy to debug and fix. Schematics are all over the web.

Just quickly checked your myspace, I like the track Wax Statues, very nice :thu:

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Tough luck, there's not much inside them to go wrong though, if you get stuck ask soemone who knows some basic electronics to take a look, should be pretty easy to debug and fix. Schematics are all over the web.

Just quickly checked your myspace, I like the track Wax Statues, very nice

Oh Thank you! :thu:

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