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T-rex Fuel Tank users:

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I bought a Fuel Tank a few months ago.


But since my pedalboard has 11 pedals, I needed another one that I bought on E-Bay.


Yesterday I connected all the pedals and gave it a try, and all of the sudden I was getting an huge hum (worst than a computer monitor) and also the blue led that indicates the power suply is on is blinking, insted of being always on as in my original Fuel Tank.


Any ideas?

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The Fuel Tank isn't isolated, so it could be prone to some humming. I've never experienced anything like what you're describing. Have you tried powering the exact same pedals with your old FT without any troubles?

One thing you could check is that the switch that controls the input voltage is set to 110 and not 220

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Well, I don't know about the blinking light, but I had this bad hum too the first time I set up the board with the Fuel-tank. I found out that ONE pedal was causing it, so you might have one pedal in there who's the source of the noise? Try taking one and one pedal out of the chain, and see if it gets better.


But the blinking light tho.. Could it be that your exceeding the amount of mA that the Fuel-tank can give without problems?

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Blinking LED is the interesting bit. Is it blinking regualrly or randomly ? What does the manual say, perhaps the flashing is an indictaor of overload ? Is it your original pedal or the ebay pedal which blinks ?

Try emailing T-Rex for advice ? I ahve found them very responsive previously.

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