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Dinousaur Jr./No Age Fuzz

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i like to have a fuzzface type fuzz along with bigmuff. germanium are warmer and woolier, silicon more brash. Analog man makes nice ones, the newest hendrix dunlop fuzzface and classic silicon are real nice. The Roger Mayer axis fuzz is great.

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Silicon fuzzes are supposed to be more harsh and brittle than germanium fuzzes with are apparently smoother and tube-like.



It depends on the design. You can have "harsh" germaniums and "smooth" silicons. Still, for the most part your statement is correct. The best thing to do is worry about the "sound", and not whether its germanium or silicon (or op amp based FTM...)

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What about the peppermint fuzz? It sounds really sweet to me. Kinda what I'm thinking about tone wise, from the youtube vids.




It has great reviews. It's essentially a "supercharged Fuzz Face", but the different transistors and the bias knob allow it to do some really cool things that a Fuzz Face won't.


Good build quality and resale value if you want to sell it down the road too.

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