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Roomy Keyboards/Controllers?


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I'm looking for a 88 or 76 key master keyboard for myself. I will be using this as a controller for Reason. I'll almost always be playing a rhodes patch with the keyboard, but I want 88 or 76 keys for the occasional piano, no need for hammer action, just a nice solid board. I also want enough room to put my laptop on top and 1 or 2 smaller controllers.


The M Audio and CME boards look like they have some room, but I haven't heard too many great things about those brands.


Are their any keyboard stands that don't put the 2nd tier way up there?

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I have a really nice Rhodes MK-80 88 key electronic piano, not the typical "tine-and-spring" tuned, electro mechanical suitcase, or stage pianos...This one's the electronic model, built by Roland Corp...with acoustic piano, Rhodes pianos, Clavinet, and even vibe sounds...Feels just like a real piano... If you're close to Georgia, U.S.A....I would sell this to you for $400.00..., but I'm leary of shipping, because of it's size.

E-mail at: allen_hughes@bellsouth.net for pics, and info, if interested.


P.S. Plenty of room on top for another keyboard,outboard gear, etc...





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