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Sustain Pedal Inverted?


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I've noticed this happens on my computer all the time and I was wondering if you guys had any experiance. My sustain pedal would work fine for while, the one day, it becomes inverted. So when plugged in and not pressed down, it was sustaining.. when I pressed on the pedal, it did not sustain.


This happens on Reason for me, as well as garageband. It also happened on both my midi controllers, Xboard, and Korg MicroKontrol. I've updated the drivers for the Xboard, and after that it worked fine.. but a couple days later it went back and was inverted again. The same thing happens on my Microkontrol.


I've been told to try shutting down my computer with it plugged in, but that hasn't worked. I've also been told to look for a switch on my pedal, but there is none.


Any ideas?

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M-Audio has a quite good sustain pedal (currently only $15 at musiciansfriend) which has a polarity switch that fixes your problem. It did for me, and now I have 3 of them!


Polarity switch for the win! That's definately the easiest way to fix the problem.


When I run into this problem, it's usually because the synth in question checks the pedal's status on power up and assumes that is the "off" position. This is usually convenient, but you can run into trouble if you accidentally press the pedal while it's booting. In that case it gets everything backwards.

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