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FTL: Ron Ashton dead.


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It appears no one has started a thread on this, Ron Asheton, primary guitarist for The Stooges, is dead. They're saying he died several days ago of a heart attack, and was found today after not returning phone calls. So far, it seems no drugs were involved.


I could go on about how awesome they are, and he was, and how much the world sucks for not recognizing this simple fact, but I'll just say that the way I found this out was after watching Bill Hick's bit "play from your {censored}ing heart", and all I wanted to hear was Funhouse. I searched it, and that's when I found out.







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this is about the 4th thread about it actually...

sucks though..


Really. I thought it wouldn't have gotten buried if there was. I checked back a few pages, but now I see it's like 6 pages back, and it even got a terribly lame parody thread from that stupid kid Hope Street, or whatever the {censored} his name is. What a {censored}ing n00b.


Man, people suck. I'm surprised people aren't making more of a deal about this, this is big 'effin news to me. Now I make sad face. :cry:

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Y'know, I just remember, Betty Paige died like a week ago. Somebody has it in for cool people.


hahaha, i love it!

I'll defanately make the most of this haha


I'm downloading all the videos now. I want to make a kick ass Brad Neely CD. They use to let you download some of the songs from the site, but not all of them. He makes some great crusin' songs, and I'm going to put in sound clips and everything. I even made this sweet cover from one of his comic strips...




... I'm a hyper critical bastard, but when I like something, I really like it. I actually created the letters for "music" from re-arranging his logo for "Neely Comics", and melded the "C" and "S" to make a "u", because I'm a great big nerd with too much free time. I even do impressions of the characters, frequently.


Oh, and check "Washington", which isn't apart of these, because some movie festival dudes scammed him out of the rights to that one.

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