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Something I've been working on..


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Was hoping to get some comments and/or suggestions about this. Really.. the first complete "electronic" thing I've ever made. I used Reason 4 and the presets that had come with it. The whole thing, I think is pretty repetitive, as like everything I've tried to make.. I'm not sure how to get away from that.. any tips?




Let me know what you guys think.

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that's not bad for a first effort at all :D


there's no real 'secret' to making tracks less repetative... it's just a case of sitting down and doing some more composition! Putting a lot of work in at that stage isn't always easy, esp. if you're not too confident with your playing, but it's really worth it later on... and the more you do it, the easier it gets :)

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That's not bad at all! Especially for a first Reason song. Since you asked for tips I'll give you my honest thoughts.


The repetetive phrase in the background was not overly repetetive in and of itself. It was a solid backing to which you added more stuff to keep it interesting. It was quite soothing.


The drum beat was perfect when it came in, but after four bars of it, you didn't change it up quite enough so it started to feel monotonous. You could have varied the beat just a bit more towards the beginning... the ABAC method couldn't hurt there... but I liked what you did areound the 1:17 mark and after.


I love the part with the staccato "bleepy" synth and the strings, it was very trippy. Don't be afraid to use a tiny bit of reverb in a song like this, I think it could really add some depth.


The song sort of fizzled out at the end, I suck with endings so I don't have much advice for you there.


Overall I liked it; it's a good song. With a little TLC it could be a great song, and for a first effort it's quite impressive :)

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