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Boss CE-3 to CE-2


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Anyone know some mods to make the CE-3 more like a CE-2? I've already done some mods like:

1. Made it compatible with 9v adaptor

2. Swapped C21 .033uf (C14 on CE-2). Sounded good, smoother and warmer.

3. Pulled C29 and jumpered R51. Further smoothed the tone.

4. Swapped all 1uf Aluminum Electrolyte caps with 1uf metal film. Reduced some noise and made it a little clearer.


Aside from the the Aluminum Electrolytes and the 9v conversion, I'm trying to make it sound more like a CE-2. Here's some of the other mods I had in mind to do, but I need somesort of verification as to if they will actually do anything and if they are safe:

1. The input cap/resistors are different along with the value of resistor going to ground after is.

2. Would swapping the IC's be possible from the MN3207 and MN3102 to the MN3007 and MN3101 pair?


Thanks in advance for the help. I mostly just don't want to dish out all the cash for a CE-2 when I got a CE-3 that is cost to it for $35. Thanks again!

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I've got a ce-3 too that I've poked around in a bit. Let me me know what you end up doing.


I switched out one of the caps once and that helped out, but I can't remember which one. I also bought a trim cap to put in it but never really figured out how to use it.


If anyone knows how to wire up a trim cap correctly I'd love to know.

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I believe that there's a guy on eBay named Pedalhacker that sells a CE-3 mod kit called the "Wet Dream" mod. I believe that it helps to increase the speed and depth of the CE-3. You could find out more about it, it could help improve the tone of the pedal.

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