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Tim vs Barber LTD SR - Got to try it today


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I have been wanting to get my hands on a Barber LTD SR for some time now, and I finally got one in a trade. From the sounds clips I have heard plus a few folks talking about it seems to be a fairly neutral, "transparent" sort of low gain overdrive. I have a Tim as well, and I have been wondering how they would compare, and I finally got to try it today.


Short answer: if you want a transparent overdrive buy a Tim, unless you can't afford it, then buy an SR.


I am very happy with the clean sound of my rig (Custom Shop Strat and Carr Rambler) and the Tim feels like an extension of my sound. I hear almost no change in tone or volume across the spectrum, it just breaks up in a very natural way. It's pretty amazing how it just feels like a part fo the amp. The Barber also stays very close to my tone, but there is a "flatness" that is hard to describe, maybe a mid scoop as opposed to a mid bump. It feels more like kicking on an effect than the Tim does. The difference is very subtle, and I doubt someone who doesn't know what they are listening for could hear it at all.


If I had not played the Tim I would think the SR was incredible. At higher gain (still not very high) the SR breaks up a bit smoother than the Tim, more like a Tube Screamer without the hump. It sounds great, though still giving just a hint of it's own color to the sound. I might even like it better than the Tim at max gain, but that's not how I use it. I run the Tim gain at about 45%, which is a very subtle breakup.


Anyone else try this combination? What do you think?

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