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just got done modding my sh09.. take a peep

saw wave analog

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well.. this synth has come a long way.. i picked it up a while ago nonfunctional for 50 bucks and have been slowly bringing it back to life over the past few years. i posted it up for sale a couple weeks ago as a functional but ugly looking synth, but after playing with it a bit to get it ready to sell i decided that i may as well just finish all of the work i had originally planned to do on it when i picked it up years ago..


well, i am almost done.. here are a couple pics..



there are before obviously.. when i bought it it looked like it had been in a wet garage for years.. rusty as hell, all of the silders and switches were totally shot and rusted in place.. it would power on intermittently and produced no sound. i replaced the innards of all the stock sliders and reused the stock casings since i couldnt find any new ones that matched the pcb, repaired a crack on the control board pcb, cleaned the hell out of the keyboard, and tracked down and took care of some bad solder joints in the power supply.. pow a functional synth :D it sounded and worked very nicely at this point, but looked pretty beat






well.. it stayed like that for a while, until recently i guess my winter time need to work on something kicked in, so i pulled it apart and went to town on it.. sanded the hell out of the front panel, added some nice red backlighting to the control pcb with the help of a few trusty led's, and relabled it all in red..









what do you think? i bought the supplies to paint the control panel an almondy off white that matches the keys almost perfectly.. it would kind of give it an oberheim 4 voice or white odyssey vibe.. i always thought that was a cool look for a synth.. but i like it in the raw steel like it is now too. i painted the mod wheel piece the white color so thats what the whole front panel would look like.. with the black end cheeks. either way, i am going to stencil on some nicer graphics on the front panel than it has now.. i just dont want to put the time into it now if i decide to paint it white tomorrow




so far im pretty happy with it.. sure looks a hell of a hot nicer than it did before.. the factory plastic end cheeks are in real good shape and the keys are all straight and nice so it actually looks like a nice board now.. sounds pretty damn sweet too :D



if i hang on to it it will be midified soon.. if i do decide to sell it though, do you think it is fair to expect the same price as a decent stock one?

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This is cool. anyone else done something similar to an old piece of gear? Many moons ago I did something similar to an old CRT monitor and it looked like it came right off the flight deck of the Nostromo. This is a great way to add some uniqueness to your system.

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Nice work.. i like the Oberheim idea... just wondering how easy it is to do silk screens?



its not difficultt at all it just takes a bit of specialized equipment to do a nice one.. photo emulsion and a bulb to activate it, and a fine mesh screen.. its more of a pain in the ass than it is hard heh

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well.. this synth has come a long way.. i picked it up a while ago nonfunctional for 50 bucks and have been slowly bringing it back to life over the past few years. i posted it up for sale a couple weeks ago as a functional but ugly looking synth, but after playing with it a bit to get it ready to sell i decided that i may as well just finish all of the work i had originally planned to do on it when i picked it up years ago..

well, i am almost done.. here are a couple pics..

there are before obviously.. when i bought it it looked like it had been in a wet garage for years.. rusty as hell, all of the silders and switches were totally shot and rusted in place.. it would power on intermittently and produced no sound. i replaced the innards of all the stock sliders and reused the stock casings since i couldnt find any new ones that matched the pcb, repaired a crack on the control board pcb, cleaned the hell out of the keyboard, and tracked down and took care of some bad solder joints in the power supply.. pow a functional synth
it sounded and worked very nicely at this point, but looked pretty beat


well.. it stayed like that for a while, until recently i guess my winter time need to work on something kicked in, so i pulled it apart and went to town on it.. sanded the hell out of the front panel, added some nice red backlighting to the control pcb with the help of a few trusty led's, and relabled it all in red..


what do you think? i bought the supplies to paint the control panel an almondy off white that matches the keys almost perfectly.. it would kind of give it an oberheim 4 voice or white odyssey vibe.. i always thought that was a cool look for a synth.. but i like it in the raw steel like it is now too. i painted the mod wheel piece the white color so thats what the whole front panel would look like.. with the black end cheeks. either way, i am going to stencil on some nicer graphics on the front panel than it has now.. i just dont want to put the time into it now if i decide to paint it white tomorrow

so far im pretty happy with it.. sure looks a hell of a hot nicer than it did before.. the factory plastic end cheeks are in real good shape and the keys are all straight and nice so it actually looks like a nice board now.. sounds pretty damn sweet too

if i hang on to it it will be midified soon.. if i do decide to sell it though, do you think it is fair to expect the same price as a decent stock one?


I would paint it, preferably with an automotive base and clear, using an HVLP gun.

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