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Garageband Users -- Please Help

Jumbo Fuzz

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So today my first Mac arrived. A 17" Macbook Pro. I am trying to learn this thing, and one of the several (probably simple) quirks I am trying to figure out, is in Garageband.


I was playing around with my guitar plugged directly into my Macbook. I set up a modeled amp. No problem. I turn "monitor" (to hear my guitar through the speakers) no problem.


However, when I plug in my headphones, "monitor" shuts itself to off, and even when I switch it to on, I get no sound in the headphones. I unplug the headphones, and I get no sound through the speakers either.


What the heck is going on? How can I use my headphones? What is going on?


I got sick of searching with no avail on Google, and I am turning to you guys. Thanks.

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