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Killer Pedals


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I recently have been doing ALOT of studying about different Distortion and Overdrive pedals. So on my research I found out about these guys and was really impressed with the sound quality of the pedals they have. I cant find a dealer where I can try them out so I have to deal with the online clips (posted below) And I dont see many other well known guitarist using them besides Mattias Eklundh in one video, (and I guess he has a sig pedal from them now). It wouldnt effect my decision about getting one either way. But anyway, on to the pedals.....


I purchased the BB Preamp last month and after weeks of playing with it Im not happy with it. Its too muddy and fuzzy sounding. So Im returing it and this is the one Im going to return my BB Plus pre amp for.


Its called the California! And it made to cop Boogie style tones. Here is their write up about it......




The distoriton specialists, AMT. Rectified lead tone like you've never heard before, all from one compact stompbox. Incredibly focused tone that cuts seamlessly through any style of music. Level, Low, High, and Gain knobs allow precise shaping of the output to give you the unique, perfect sound you've been searching for. Full of rich harmonics, nuances, and presence. The absolute best instrumental lead guitar pedal we've ever played.


Forget about buying an expensive Carvin Legacy amp, Ibanez Jem, and guitar lessons from Vai. Go for a California Sound pedal instead!


Direct studio/home recording is also possible with the California Sound via AMT's unique compensated output that works with both guitar amplifiers and direct recording devices. All of the audio demos listed below were recorded direct. Listen to what your next project can sound like with the help of the California Sound. Full, thick, direct tone. Never thin or buzzy as other brands of pedals. Finally, get amazing, professional sounding home and studio recording results without spending thousands of dollars on amps, cabinets, preamps, and mics. Make your next recording project easier, with AMT.




Here are the California's Sound Clips........


But first, Im never convinced that sound clips are honestly how the pedals truly sound. I find that they usually are eqed and processed with pro tools and end up sounding great online but totally different in real life. So I emailed AMT and below are my questions and then their answers.........




I have a few questions about your pedals and the audio recordings posted on your website........



1. When you recorded the demos of these pedals were you going direct or micd?


2. If micd, what amp was used?


3. Was the amp on the clean channel? Or was the amp already distorted? And special or recommended amp settings?


4. What guitar was used?


5. What pickups did the guitar have in it?


6. How "true" is the tone of the recordings? Was there any editing of the recordings or Double Tracking?


Thanks for your time,




Here are their answers...........




1) Direct

2) -

3) ProTools

4) Ibanez Jem or RG for many of the demos.

5) DiMarzio Evolution or Breed

6) Some were tweaked in ProTools more than others, and some were not at all. The SS-20 was doubled and panned a bit. The California was pretty much dry. Depends on which demos. But on most, were pretty much unaltered.


Hope this helps!



So that seems hopeful!



Ok Ok! Here are the clips..........




And here is the page that I got all the clips and info from.......



PedalsPlus Effects Warehouse - AMT Electronics Guitar Effects Pedals | AMT Electronics Pedals | Legend Amp Series Pedals



So has anyone here owned any AMT products? If so any comments or info about them would be great!

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i got the amt cali sound

and it is quite an amazing pedal

i've tried tons of high gain pedals, and i think this is the best one out there (and without breaking the bank)


check out the new amt legend amps pedals

the R1 loos very interesting


it's like a new version of the california sound pedal.

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