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OT: New Zealand forumites, give me a hand!

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It was on for a little while in the UK back in '02 or something. It might be the '{censored}test show in the world' but I love it!



Yeah man, i love how its made so crude on purpose. Defanately caused a stir in the media when it was released haha


You will love the DVD, i have it aswell, great watch. The guys are like South Park in the way that they will make an episode on anything even if it gets them into big trouble

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{censored}, Deja Voodoo.

I forgot all about those guys!

Yeah I love the deliberate {censored}ness of the thing, especially the wonky 'tache



hahah, or the crowds shots taken from other tv shows, or the cardboard crowd cutouts for the studio. On the new season, the opening credits opened with



Live From New York

This show is niether broadcasted live or in New York





Its pretty funny, how their tv show got banned, so they made a band - DejaVoodoo, then made a movie, then with the money from the movie made a new season of the tv show and brought it back after 7 or so years ha

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