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Who here still has their first guitar?


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Not my first, but probably my 4th and the only one I kept. Glad I did...'52 Les Paul Goldtop I bought in 1968/9. Took it to Les' 90th Birthday party in Vegas...got to meet him and have it signed. A very magical moment. Also got to meet Neil Schon, Ike Turner and Nick Sterling who all performed that night. They all signed it too! I still gig with it sometimes, been playing it for over 40 years now.

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:wave: Still got mine. 1995 Peavey Predator. Swapped out the neck & bridge pickups for EMGs after the originals died. I don't play it much anymore, but I still like having it around. It's the only guitar I've got that can do anything remotely heavy.

(on the far right)
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I had been keeping mine stashed away in a gig bag. It's an old (10+ years) Epiphone Special 2 Les Paul with trans-grey burst. I think the dude told me it was ash. I don't remember that far back. Anyway...the pups went bad at least 10 years ago, and it's just been sitting in a bag until this week when I decided to break it out. I'm thinking of dropping in some Epi pups that I removed from my Epi Dot, and throwing on some cheap tuners, new pots and switch, and using it as a really cheap backup guitar.

Anyone else still have their first guitar? Do you still play it?

I do have mine. It is in pieces though. I got it in 1987. It was a Memphis. Good to drink beer around it now and reflect back. ha!

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Ibanez RG270... I wanted a black one because one of my friends had a black one... my dad convinced me that it was lame to copy him, so I got a maroon one instead... I still have it... It's in a case against the wall, in my bedroom...

but the guitar I really consider my first is my Gibson Gothic SG... I bought it after the bridge on the Ibanez started giving me trouble... that was the guitar I actually learned how to play on.

It was all but completely forgotten, after I bought the PRS and Les Paul... but then I came back to it because it was a guitar I didn't care about hurting by tuning down to full C... when I started playing it again, I realized how much I loved it... and it became my #1... mostly because it was the guitar I used with my band...

I even ended up buying a second. I modified both of them... my first mod's... #1 is still in C, but #2 is in standard and has become my primary recording guitar. I'll never sell #1... never.

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Nope. My first one was an ancient bolt-on LP Custom Japanese copy that gave the feeling it was going to explode in a shower of splinters and woodworm at any moment. To be fair, it did look cool.




Now, of course, I have the real deal.



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I still have the guitar I took my first lessons on when I was about 12 years old (now middle aged). It's a Harmony nylon string acoustic. I don't play it anymore, but it's hanging on the wall in my studio. I like to look at all the gear in my studio and look at that guitar and think that's where it all started from many years ago.

I sure wish I still had my first electric though. It was a well-worn early 60's Fender Jaguar that I bought in a little hole in the wall shop on 48th St. in NYC for $115 back in the early 70's. It would be worth a fortune now.

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yes! (and my 1st effect too, both bought in the mid 70s).


We use the old hag at the shop every day, if you have sent in a pedal for a mod, the Hag played through it. It was REALLY playing poorly. When we got to talk about it at the shop I realized the strings were older than my shipping guy so I had him put on a new set and now it's much better :)

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I actually started with a Roytek strat copy, a piece of crap that killed any pleasure in playing guitar.

I butchered it the day I purchased an Epiphone LP and a Squier Standard Tele, I still have it though, in pieces but it's still in my closet (in company of the Standard Tele I butchered the same way of the strat the day I got my Fender Blackout Tele).

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my first acoustic I gave away, it was a little fender starter pack guitar. I gave that one up when my dad sent me off to college with his old Guild acoustic.


I was awesomely blessed by my dad when it came to my first electric


he had kept his 72 tele custom and didn't see the point in getting me a starter electric since he wasn't really playing electric anymore.


I actually never had secondary guitars until this year.

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I still have my Ibanez GAX-75 that I got about 5 years ago. Upgraded the pickups to GFS Retrotron Liverpools and it's a rockin machine. Plays well and sounds real good.


I don't play it as often though, as I'm a Strat/Tele/25.5" scale neck kind of guy and the Ibanez GAX-75 is an LP doublecut/SG type.

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I still have mine. It's the black & white Jagmaster behind the SG Classic which is now my main guitar.

The Jagmaster's been relegated to "office duty". It's at work, and I play it for 10-15 minutes each day when I'm waiting for a compile to finish up. I also jam with someone @ work down in the parking garage once a week -- I just strap on the Jagmaster, throw a Roland Cube 30 on to my office chair, and take the elevator down to "Level C".

And when I travel during the summer, I take the Jagmaster with me (I just unscrew the neck and throw it in a suitcase).


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I still have my first electric, a 1973 (or '72) Gibson SG that I bought used in '77 when I was a kid (I hope the photo posts - sort of - I was a kid and it was the '70s :idk: ). The amp, if you can see it, was a Univox.

I saw it hanging in a music store display with a sign that said "left over 90 days for repair - $289 w/case." I tried it, fell in love and emptied my savings account the next day.

I don't play it much anymore (fender man for the past 20 years), but every now and then I take her out, throw a fresh set of strings on and play for a while.

I also have my sister's first guitar which was a 1966 Guild F-20. She briefly took lessons in the mid '70's - and her teacher picked it up for her, for like $75. I always thought it was new until I got it and checked the serial number. It's still pristine, perfectly intonated - and an absolute tiny cannon. :thu:

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I still have my {censored}ty Ibanez acoustic, and I actually still pick it up when I can't be bothered to take my electric out of the case and plug it in.


Even if I could sell it (I can't), I'm not sure that I would. I'd likely lend it to a family member who was interested in learning the instrument before that.

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First guitar was this only black:



Had coil tap, nice waxed maple neck, graphtec saddles, bone nut and sperzel locking tuners for $350. Just hated the pups, didn't like the "stiff" feeling and the body was too heavy, so I traded it in for this:


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Smart choice! I would luv me a Reverend

They are so cool because they have a bass roll-off knob that can make the pup's sound more like single coils or just eliminate any boomy bass. It's very versatile. Mine is the older model with natural wood on the headstock and is made out of mahogany instead of korina. Great guitars for notta lotta money.

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