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Whistling, hum and interferance - Help please!

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I have this problem that has been a real pain from the word go.


I run an ibanez RG3120 guitar into a dunlop wah into a marshall valvestate amp.


In the loop I have a Boss DD2 and a Boss chorus pedal (forget the name)


I used to have loads of pedals but had to go back to basics to try and establish the issue.


Some days the amp is quiet other days I am getting whistling noises coming from it, humming and general interferance. I beleive some of this could be sucking tone but I am not sure.


I believe the problem comes from the pedals. With the amp on and nothing plugged in there is no hum/noise whatever. with just the guitar plugged in, silent. As soon as I introduce pedals in the front or loop then I get some degree of noise.


i have tried changing cables etc and even tried different types of power supplies for the pedals but still I get this problem.


Does anyone else have this type of issue - is there any solution?


Thanks a lot

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A lot of effects pedals are susceptible to noise and interference but there are things you can do to improve the situation. I would put it down to the cables, good quality, directional, shielded cables are your best bet.


I've been using planet waves custom pro cables for a few months now and have always suffered from radio interference. Last night i noticed that on one end of my cables it said 'shielded end' so i swapped my cables round so that the shielded end was plugged into the effects pedal (a silicon fuzzface) and the noise completely disappeared! I couldn't believe it. I would recommend you try some planet waves custom pro cables and use the shielded ends nearest your pedals.

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ok thanks and I will look into this. The problem with renewing all cables in this way is it extremely expensive and still no guarantee of resolving the issue.


Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?


Thanks a lot

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