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Question for SRX-12 owners


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I have the SRX-12 installed in the RD-700sx.

I find that th EP1 and EP2 sounds in the SRX12 are more "bell" type than the EP's in the RD-700sx.

I would like to get a darker EP sound from the SRX12, with more bark, and a little fatter.

I've tried some EQ, effects, layers...but I can't get that sound. It always has a "bell" attack. The SRX Eps are more detailed than the RD Eps, but I can't eliminate this bell character...


What can I try? Anny suggestion?:idea:




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Wait for the RD700GX and trade yours for it...

I think the SuperNatural EPs are exactly the way you're trying to describe - smoother than the SRX-12.

Other than that, a sample is a sample... it sounds like you don't like the type of Rhodes that was sampled for the SRX-12, or the settings that it had on. A lot of people crave that "bell" quality.

The only other thing I could think of is to get a compressor with a quick attack time (where it could compress the initial hit) to smooth it out.

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The only other thing I could think of is to get a compressor with a quick attack time (where it could compress the initial hit) to smooth it out.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will try first with the RD-700sx compressor effect. :thu:


Thanks very much for your help!


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