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Synth Showdown: JX-8P vs. MKS-80


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Ahh. I didn't actually know the JX8P had a boost setting! That explains the main difference then, other than the chorus.

Yes, the JX8P has a bass boost combined with a 4-level HPF, basically the same as on the Juno-106. The MKS-80 is similar except its HPF can be set more finely (level can be set between 0 and 100).

There doesn't appear to be a lot of high end roll off, or at least not enough to muddy it much.

Not a lot, but just enough to give it that warmth. Apparently the JX8P is warmer/darker sounding than its siblings, the JX10 and MKS70. I spent a lot of time tweaking the filter on the MKS-80 to give it just the right amount of "sizzle" without making it too bright. I bet with some carefully applied EQ, compression and properly programmed chorus it could be nailed just about spot on.

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