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midi or usb??

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There shouldn't be a huge difference. If the audio interface is a PCI card then the interface should be a bit better. If it's an external (firewire/USB) audio interface then you may as well remove it and connect directly via USB..

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I guess I don't understand the question...Are you wanting to send MIDI or Audio? If you're sending only audio, you don't use MIDI. If you're sending audio and have a USB audio interface, you should be fine.


I guess, what are you actually using it for?

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The main problem of sending Midi data through USB is the possible ground loop. Midi does not create ground loops, due to the opto coupler in the Midi in electronics. Many people get some hum or high pitch noise when connecting USB to a synth that is also connected to the mixer.


And if we are talking audio and not Midi, then use the build in USB audio-out rather then using the audio out and an additional A/D in the audio interface.

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