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I need multi fx and switching, anything new?


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After a few years of use I am wanting to update my rig a bit. Currently I use a Krank amp and cab with a Rocktron Xpression multi fx, ISP Decimator, Behringer MIDI pedal and a volume pedal.


I use the midi pedal to both switch amp channel and to control the Rocktron. I don't like all the cables running around on stage. There's 4 cables running to the midi pedal then two more for the volume pedal.


A GCX switcher would help out a bit by switching amp channels and eliminating two of my cable runs.


So I just need ideas. Is there anything new and great in the way of multi fx units? Anything with built in volume pedals? Built in midi expression pedals? Is there anything comparable to the GCX audio switcher? Anything new in noise gates? I like the ISP but I would like more control over it. Would like to set it to a high threshold for chugging rhythms but then my leads get cut off. Could use a switcher to switch it out of the loop, but something like a midi controlled noise gate would be awesome.


Just throw some ideas at me.

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Anyone? I've been searching and looks like the GCX is still the top dog in switching unless you go pro and spend a few thousand. Also looks like there's nothing new in multi fx, TC electronics, boss, rocktron, still the same old stuff.

Looks like if I need a good noise gate and be able to change thresh holds I just need to get a second Decimator Pro Rack G and switch between the two as needed. I am sure the noise gates built into multi fx have programmable thresh holds but I've never had good results with using them. My ISP Decimator blows other gates out of the water.

GCX with two Decimator gates and either a better multi fx or just switch some pedals in and out with the GCX, sounds like the best solution.

Still puts me with 4 cables running to the front of the stage. Power and midi for the controller and 2 cables for the volume pedal. Unless I get power from the front of stage, and I could set the wireless receiver up at the front, so that's only 2 cables. Unless I need midi expression.....

Damn complications.

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