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Dual Filters: Table Top or Stompable, Suggestions?

Sad Darwin

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sherman filterbank (audio destroyer) and frostwave resonator

I own both



I own a sherman filterbank too. The only problem is that it isn't quite what I need for this particular application. I'm looking to more subtlely shift and shape the tones of a bit crushed (and sometimes oscillating) guitar with the option of the occational wah like filter sweep. The filterbank has a way of A. not tracking well with guitars, and B. completely destroying the incoming signal with a little too much ease for what I'm looking to do. It always seems to work best with bass heavy monophonic input or with loops. Although I probably haven't delved deep enough into it.


The Frostwave Resonator though I have definitely considered and am currently eyeing an Ebay auction for one in Portland.


Any other suggestions guys?

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frostwave resonator. it's exactly what you are asking for.


Not really.. he wanted a dual multimode filter with a means of mixing between the two filters.


The Frostwave is a HP LP filter in series, no way of mixing between the two, and only one audio input, rather than two.


Don't get me wrong though, I love my frostwave resonator.. :love:

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Not really.. he wanted a dual multimode filter with a means of mixing between the two filters.

The Frostwave is a HP LP filter in series, no way of
between the two, and only one audio input, rather than two.

Don't get me wrong though, I love my frostwave resonator..


Yeah I investigated a bit more and it seems The Resonator would be the wrong way to go. The HP when swept overtakes all Lows and vice versa for the LP. I need a way to mix between both, and sum the frequencies according what I specify. Kind of like my Access Virus TI's filter section. That means Parallel right guys?

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Right, sounds like parallel is what you need.

A Doepfer minicase + 2 (a-106-5 12db sem filter) + 1 (a-138b Mixer) + 1 (a-180 Multiples 1) would be a good setup.


Thanks for the input guys but I'm really looking for a Stompbox, maybe table top, but definitely not a modular rig or rackmounts. The idea here is to put a flexible filter with an expression pedal at the end of a guitar FX loop that includes bit crushing, sample reduction, and ring modulation (you know, all the stuff that guitarists are usually scared of ;) ). These FX usually need a versatile filter to get the most out of them. Hence the sort of weird request.

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Well, the T-Res and M-Res are both working checking out. You're probably not going to find exactly what you're looking for in a single filter unit. For wah effects I'd go with something designed for guitar, for example.




I love the T-resonator, not for this application, but I'm definitely going to pick one of those up in the future. meanwhile this has proven to be a pretty great general audio reference site. Click around, it's an online book.




I already knew what series and parallel are subconsciously, but this point it into precise language and sort of made up my mind. Parallel for this application all the way.

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what about two frostwave resonators


Haha, good like finding two of anything frostwave. In Paul's hiatus that stuff is going through the roof. I originally wanted a sonic alienator as my bit crusher / sample reducer. No such luck. Scott Jaeger (The Harvestman Moduler) has some interesting adaptations of his moduler gear coming to pedal format though which currently is making me dance inside...I know creepy... but TRUE....

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Haha, good like finding two of anything frostwave. In Paul's hiatus that stuff is going through the roof. I originally wanted a sonic alienator as my bit crusher / sample reducer. No such luck. Scott Jaeger (The Harvestman Moduler) has some interesting adaptations of his moduler gear coming to pedal format though which currently is making me dance inside...I know creepy... but TRUE....


Afraid so, its no wonder given how great the frostwave stuff is. He's still answering emails - I had him send me a new power adaptor for my resonator just last week. Totally helpful and super nice guy. Paul Perry, thank you. :wave:

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