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I`m writting about modulars can you help me?


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Hi, i am writting about modular in my audio blog in spanish. This is the first part.


I am not modular synth expert, i just want to make information available in spanish on what they do, how are they different from traditional synths, and why are they special, they are little known in latin america. There topics is about what i write in the first part. I am working in the second part, and started saying that because there is no fixed architecture in modulars they can be used for other types of synthesis, not just sustractive.


So i wanted advices on, what else should i write about?


What are those wonderful tricks/sound you use in your modular that make you think "thank God i have a modular, it will be impossible in other synth"?


Also i would like to write about formats, advantages and disadvantages of them, where can i find information?



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What are those wonderful tricks/sound you use in your modular that make you think "thank God i have a modular, it will be impossible in other synth"?


the interface!!!! there is NO other synth that offers EVERYTHING to be in front of you at the same time....just that alone offers a whole different way of thinking of things...sure digital synths are deeper and essentially more capable in certain areas...but the fact that in order to unlock the power you need to menu dive somewhat kills or hides the possiblities so they might not be so easily seen...on a modular everything is in front of you...Ive had one too many beers...time to turn on my modular....DAMN i got to work tonight :mad:

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i've gotta agree with electrobaby.


i like modulars because everything is in front of me. there are very few things i do with my system i couldn't do entirely within Numerology with free softsynths and get most of the sound.


however, the fact that it's real gear with real knobs and there are no hidden menus and no patch storage means so much to me. it's a real music instrument, and not just a bunch of sounds in a box.


some of the things that a modular _does_ offer in a typical subtractive synthesis scenario which hardware rarely does include multiple outputs on an oscillator so if you need phase-coherent unison pulse and triangle (or whatever) for some reason it's there. also being able to patch feedback loops can be handy as well.


it's not really about making weird sounds, which is where the free-patching argument may lead you. it's about making really good sounds better, and making them as musical as possible.

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