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Wilson Wah Questions


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So I got my Wilson Rippah Boosta vintage spec 12 position wah awhile back and while I think it could possibly be the nastiest, funkiest, sexiest wah I've ever owned (and I've owned a metric ton of them) it pops when I turn it off and on from time to time? Not always, but sometimes, and sometimes it pops over and over again? I know a few pedals do this, I had a Lovepedal Vibe I sent back that did this but I'm curious if this is normal? I emailed Wilson wah on it but I really don't want to send it back, and I don't feel like spending money to ship this thing back and forth when there's nothing that can be done. Just curious if anyone has one that does this?

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I've had a Rippa for 2 1/2 years, and it never popped, but started getting scratchy (Kevin sent me a new pot- great customer service!). Is it really an audible pop through the amp, or do you just hear it at your feet? Perhaps try listening to your rig through headphones and see if it's still noticeable.

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