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Bass String for Medium Scale Bass recommendations


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with all due respect, Rotosounds are my favorite sounding bass strings ever, but they do NOT last forever. in fact, i kill a set of them in 5-10 hours of playing. they become dull sounding VERY fast. if you like that fresh string sound, i wouldn't go for them, unless you can afford to replace them with regularity.

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with all due respect, Rotosounds are my favorite sounding bass strings ever, but they do NOT last forever. in fact, i kill a set of them in 5-10 hours of playing. they become dull sounding VERY fast. if you like that fresh string sound, i wouldn't go for them, unless you can afford to replace them with regularity.



The monel flats last me practically forever. I had a gig somewhat recently that went on for a couple years and that's all I used on one of my basses and used it on a daily basis. They come out of the box fairly bright, maybe too bright for a flatwound? Then they darken up in a few days but still are a little brighter than most flats I've used. Not quite as bright as a round but last way longer. String of choice for me for the closet bass. But I also wipe down the bass after every use and if I'm using them with any regularity I drop them into one of these once a month or so and they come out like new.




If you're used to a bright round wound they might not be for you? Or you might have a highly corrosive sweat were you need to take care of your strings a little better? Not joking, I hear a lot of guys have this issue. But I've never experienced dead strings in 5-10 hours of playing like you're saying, not from a set of monels like these anyway. ymmv


Edit: Let me add that that string cleaner goes a long way with chrome/monel flats. I can clean up a standard round wound set maybe two or three times before they are completely dead, those monel flats just go on and on till one of them breaks and then I just replace the set.

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I wondered if we were on the same page. :) I do like the regular round wounds they make, I get a little more life out of them with that string cleaner. You're probably right on the rounds they don't last me as long as some other brands but the tone is incredibly rewarding especially on a P-Bass or Ric. ;)

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