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I had a chance to really sit down with a Line 6 Spider II today

Metal Messiah

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm facing the same dilemma right now. I'm in the market for a 2x12 combo amp for practicing, jamming in small rooms, and maybe even a gig for two. I've found some Spider II's for some great prices but the reviews on this amp jump extremes. It's nice to see some folks on here that actually like the amp!

I don't have the $$$ to get a huge tube sound. I personally like the modeling amp idea. Sure it's not the Uber head I dream about but I think for the money I would do ok with the Spider. The reality is, I have absolutely no need for a giant head and cab set up. If I turn my current combo amp past two on the distorted channel I'm waking the dead. I think the Spider II will certainly be a step up from the 1x12 Fender solid state combo I've been playing for years!

So I'm thinking about picking one up today. Any last words of warning?


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Compare the Spider side by side to a similar priced Vox model and you will choose the Vox unless your ears aren't working right. I have both and the Vox sounds are so much better. I have the Spider II head and it has a great clean sound but the distortions are all sterile. It has a bit too much low woof as well which feels good at low volumes and practicing by yourself but live doesn't translate well. The effects make more sense on the Vox and are easier to get what you need. I am not down on Line 6 at all as I love my Flextone II and am buying an HD147 today but the Spider is rude to my ears. Get a Vox.

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I've looked at the Vox Valvetronix AD100VT but didn't pay it much attention because I have absolutely no experience with Vox. I've heard sound clips of it that sound pretty good.

I'm looking for the basics in this upcoming amp purchase. I need the amp to get heavy if I need it to as I'm into pretty heavy stuff and have some diversity. On board effects would be really nice if they are actually usable and not just glitzy. Going price for this Vox combo isn't so bad either.

UGH the confusion!

Thanks for the input. Time to go play a Vox if I can find a dealer around here.

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As a quick follow up. The reviews here on HC seem to all say the same thing about the Vox modeling amps. Good sounds yes but it seems lots of folks are having troubles with the amp with speaker outages, power problems, and just mechanical problems in general. Have you had this experience with these amps?

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i was looking for a 2x12 combo-
tried the spiderII...
well, i honestly don't care how many different sounds you get
out of an amp. also i wasn't really looking for built in effects.

as long as you get ONE good tone out of it it is a good amp -because that's also what you get when playing thru a good tube amp. one good tone. so i was trying the spider because i thought modelers could be a good alternative to tube driven ones- good price, no tube-changin, no noise, reliable aso.
actually the reason i didn't buy it was because i DIDN'T
get a good tone out of it. sounded to me a bit like the old marshall valvestate amps. not bad-but also not very good.
i especcially didn't like the cleaner sounds...no comparison to
for instance a blues deluxe (though i'm not the vintage kinda guy.

but what i did buy was the voxad100vt. i only use 1 sound on it
(took me lots of tweakin), no effects - and it sounds just like a very good tube amp would do. i honestly don't care about this "sounds-like-mesa/plexi/soldano"-{censored} - it sounds like a voxad100vt- that's what it does.
no reliability-problems so far. speakers are ok- (after a long time of high-volume playing they finally broke in- you really have to give them time!), no noize, incredible punch!

and that's also the reason why i didn't go for the ad120vt with the floorboard- same basic sound-which is very good - but what
should i need 132channels for if i only want one very good one?

that's the problem with those modeling amps i think: they should really look for quality-not quantity.

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a friend of mine had an earlier model AVT combo, it was a 2x12 combo that you could also run thru a 4x12 (can't remember the model)

but he had problems with his, it would just randomly cut out on him...he had it in the shop twice and it was never fixed, it just mysteriously started working again both times

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  • 2 months later...
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Originally posted by Roccaforte Amps

I own two, the 1 12" 30watt, and the 2 12" stereo 150 watt,

75 watt a side. Both are amazing once you learn how to use them. I like using them when I want a bunch of quick tones,

and don't feel like connecting all my tube rig stuff.

On the 2 12", the twang and clean settings are amazing.



Finally, someone with some credibility! We all know it isn't a top of the line boutique valve amp. It has everything I need in a practice amp including the cd inpput for playing along with backing tracks and a headphone out jack. I don't know why Vox won't put a cd input on their small Valvetronix combos-that was the deal killer for me.

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