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Anyone using a Duncan Invader?


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I have a Duncan Custom in my Les Paul into either Framus Dragon, or Bogner Uber through Framus 4x12.


Thinking about getting a new guitar and trying an Invader, any opinions on this pickup and how it would sound through my rig?


Thinking about trying one of those Jackson Swee-tone's :)



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I have one in a fender jag. If you coil tap, the clean is awesome. If you just use it as a humbuckers, it's usable, but not great. the distortion is really good too. I've used a duncan JB, an invader, a 59, and a duncan distortion and the invader is my second fav, behind the distortion.

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Honestly I don't like playing anything distorted on any of my guitars that don't have an invader installed. But then again I like the dark and muddy tone that it gives.

goodisonrock, you willing to sell yours? I could use another. bridge position? lemme know...

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