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I'm In LOVE- Let's talk about V-SynthGT & XT

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I've always heard about V-synth plunked around in stores, always wanted one, but could never justify it in my rig. The other day while waiting to pick up some gear I had repaired I spied the V-Synth GT. Maybe it was the monitors, or maybe the patches I was playing... for the first time this synth came alive for me and both eyebrows raised. Whenever that happens I inevitably get it.


My dilemma is that I've been planning, saving for an M3. Both of those (M3 +V-synth) put me way over my annual GAS budget. I have live gear that I have rarely setup in my studio... Triton Extreme, Roland XP30, Alesis Micron (I gig every weekend). At home I have a Korg Karma, Yamaha EX7, Alesis Fusion. Certainly willing to part with some gear there, however since I no little about the V-Synth except for it's noisemaking potential I'm wondering which direction to head toward.


Ideally I can see 3 different scenarios.


#1 if I could find a V-synth used for $800-900, I could buy a brand new M3-$1900


#2 Buy a V-synth XT new ($1200) and a M3 used $1200-1600.


#3 Buy the V-SynthGT (I like having the keyboard and interface all in one) and well... sandbag the M3 for another year or two.



I could sell the Fusion for $500, Ex7 for $400 and Karma for $400-600... and maybe, just maybe I'd have enough scratch for both synths. I feel a need for a change and as much as I love my Karma, I'd gain that and then some with the M3. The EX7 I LOVE... but I'd be lying if I had a clue how to program it. It just sits there, always sounding great, and I lean toward 9-10 patches that are my favs. The Fusion I acquired in a trade a year ago. I don't play it much, however I haven't loaded any of the Hollow Sun samples.



So at this point I'm just curious what the pro's and cons are for the various V-synths. At home... it's all synths, and pads... dreamy ambient stuff (that's why the Karma works for me). I hear everyone leaning toward the XT because of the price and D-50 card... which is fine by me. I don't have a single piece of rack gear and now is a good time to start.



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It's not so much the "sound" as the features and the intended use.....


If you're not going to deal a lot with VariPhrase sample mangling, custom vocal/choir pads, vocoder, etc.....and/or you don't care much about a D50 emulation, then you don't need much more than the V-Synth 2.0.

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They are all the same sonically ...


The difference is the features and how much you can do ... (except GT has a couple of new sound shaping features ) ...



I have a V-Synth and V-Synth XT that I picked up for $600 and $650, respectively. What can I say, I love them to pieces. I'm actually thinking about picking up another XT ... though the GT has me wet, too ...


Personally, if you go M3 ... XT is a great way to go ... I wonder if XT could fit in Korg's "component system?"


If you're at all the vocoder type you've got to get the VC-2 in XT (or GT ... ) it's fantastic and definitely the best digital vocal models, choirs I've ever heard ... fantastic ... (Rare and sought-after VC-2 card for V-Synth original goes for about $500 ... )


Personally, I love the Roland VA sound ... and with the Variphrase sampling, arp, step sequencer, unique controllers (though obviously, XT isn't as good there missing TWIN D-Beams and dedicated Time Trip pad ... ) it's just loads of fun with A GREAT SOUND ...


In the end, they are all terrific though it really is a great luxury to have two V-Synth engines at once whether GT or V-Synth GF (Ghetto Fabulous = V-Synth + XT, which I actually prefer because it offers x2 controls for each of the upper and lower tones ... )


Good luck ... If you're patient and vigilant you may find a steal like I dids ...

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I was kicking around some of the same options in the last 6 months or so. I wound up buying a mint condition original V-Synth for $850, and a few months later I got a practically new Korg M3M for $950. I'm using the V-Synth to control the M3M and they make an awesome combination. The only problem is that I was planning to sell my Karma, which has been my main synth for 6 years, but when it came down to it I was having separation anxiety and couldn't let go of it. Maybe I'll be able to eventually.

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They are all the same sonically ...

The difference is the features and how much you can do ... (except GT has a couple of new sound shaping features ) ...

I have a V-Synth and V-Synth XT that I picked up for $600 and $650, respectively. What can I say, I love them to pieces. I'm actually thinking about picking up another XT ... though the GT has me wet, too ...

Personally, if you go M3 ... XT is a great way to go ... I wonder if XT could fit in Korg's "component system?"

If you're at all the vocoder type you've got to get the VC-2 in XT (or GT ... ) it's fantastic and definitely the best digital vocal models, choirs I've ever heard ... fantastic ... (Rare and sought-after VC-2 card for V-Synth original goes for about $500 ... )

Personally, I love the Roland VA sound ... and with the Variphrase sampling, arp, step sequencer, unique controllers (though obviously, XT isn't as good there missing TWIN D-Beams and dedicated Time Trip pad ... ) it's just loads of fun with A GREAT SOUND ...

In the end, they are all terrific though it really is a great luxury to have two V-Synth engines at once whether GT or V-Synth GF (Ghetto Fabulous = V-Synth + XT, which I actually prefer because it offers x2 controls for each of the upper and lower tones ... )

Good luck ... If you're patient and vigilant you may find a steal like I dids ...



I can't argue with a Vorvon:eek::thu:



LOL... actually this is great stuff! Thanks.... I'm leaning toward a XT.

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The effects processing in the GT is 32 bit vs 24 for the previous incarnations.


A good thing, since as much as I love my V-Synth, I don't like a lot of the effects a whole lot -- maybe the improved resolution makes a significant difference.


I do know that my Kurzweil Mangler jacks the sound of the V up nicely.

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It could also be beefier because you're hearing two tones as opposed to one ... Really, though, that's not something I've heard people touting ... i.e. a superior sound of the GT ...


I have to admit, though, mega huge fatness is not something I really care too much about anyway ... The V-Synth/XT is plenty fat for me ...

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I wanna hear how the M3 vocoder sounds. The Roland one is top notch, but I haven't heard much on the M3 voc.


I personally think a M3 plus Xt would be the way to go. The GT sounds freakin dope, but to me this would be the smarter choice. It might depend if you love the GT and got a itch for it.

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Man I want a V-Synth GT pretty badly. I've always been intrigued by the concept and having

bookmarked certainly does not help. They are just a little too pricey for me right now. Hoping the used ones start hitting the $1400-1500 range in a few months....
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Man I want a V-Synth GT pretty badly. I've always been intrigued by the concept and having
this video
bookmarked certainly does not help. They are just a little too pricey for me right now. Hoping the used ones start hitting the $1400-1500 range in a few months....


Ah man, I knew I shouldn't have clicked on that link.:facepalm:


memo to self: add the V-synth XT to the wishlist.

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I had the GT, but sold it when I needed money to get a Korg M3. It was just better suited for doing what I need to live.


That said, I now really miss its sample mangling capaibilities. I am trying to find a way to swing myself back into having a GT, though more probably will end up with an XT for space reasons.


I never owned the original, but I will say that the GT sounded more round and full than the times I demoed the original (which of course isnt a good test). Really, any of them are great instruments and show just what kind of coolness the big three are capable of when they really want to innovate.

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