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Recording death metal guitars (in a crappy sounding room)


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I should probably ask this in the recording forum, which I did!:http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1060789


The reason I'm posting the link here is that I figured some of you guys play heavy death metal guitars and some of you maybe even recorded in a crappy sounding room once or twice. I hope this is ok, mods! If not, delete this post!


Please reply in this thread! Thank you!

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Originally posted by Pasz

I should probably ask this in the recording forum,
which I did!

The reason I'm posting the link here is that I figured some of you guys play heavy death metal guitars and some of you maybe even recorded in a crappy sounding room once or twice. I hope this is ok, mods! If not, delete this post!

Please reply
in this thread
! Thank you!


you should get some good replies here.:cool:

the mods are more worried about keeping out Next Door Nikki and fellow forumite bashing to a minimum...;):p:D




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