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weeping demon users....


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thanks guys, I ordered the adapter anyway, as I may sell my NS2 and get an ISP. The only adapter I have otherwise is for the NS2.

Anyway, I've been tweaking like mad on the the WD, what are some settings you guys use? I play hard rock, with the Peavey JSX head. Any tips for a good wah? I've got it prety dialed in, just looking for other experienced ears and such.


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I have mine set like this.
gain boost 3 o'clock
Bass 12 o'clock
Q 12 o'clock
hi range
on the range fine adjustment I have it set a little on the low side to get more of a vowel type sound out of it.
the delay is set to almost bare minimum.
It is set to auto engage too.

I use this through my rockmaster and el34 power amp so it should be pretty close to the jsx.

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Thanks, Heath...

Just checked my settings from tweaking last night....

Level - 11:00
Q - 2:00
Lo - 2:00

Range - normal/high
Auto Switch on
Delay set to just barely on
Fine Tuning - 10:00

I really dont notice much of a difference when I turn the LO setting up past the 2:00 setting. Makes a big difference if you take it out, but not much if you add more...

...As for the Level setting, my first tweakings heard this as kinda a gain boost when the wah is engaged, but I'm not thinking so now...what does that control exactly?

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