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anyone here know how to sing 'correctly?


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i'm having trouble grasping the concepts of throwing my voice to the back of my head and out through the mouth. or how i'm supposed to get my voice to resonate in the resonating chambers, and the big one, how do i good support in my abdomen?


anyone help me out?

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i'm no singer but my producer is a pro..
i've overheard him say a few things

push from the stomach not the throat.

you know how u hum and can feel it in your head sometimes? apparently u've gotta get that goin when u sing.

don't be affraid to really open up your mouth.. u'll be able to push more air and control your voice and words better

as i said i haven't done any of this.. i've just heard him talk about these things a few times to my singer and others

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Originally posted by saxamafone

i'm no singer but my producer is a pro..

i've overheard him say a few things

push from the stomach not the throat.

you know how u hum and can feel it in your head sometimes? apparently u've gotta get that goin when u sing.

don't be affraid to really open up your mouth.. u'll be able to push more air and control your voice and words better

as i said i haven't done any of this.. i've just heard him talk about these things a few times to my singer and others



yeah, pushing from the diaphram using the muscles around your abdomen is how you get that rock rasp sound, everyone i know pushes from the throat, me too, which is dead wrong but i don't understand how you get that control and push

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most of the exercises this guy gives revolve around strengthening the stomach etc.
the power and punch still comes from the stomach.. just takes heaps of practice to be able to do well.
once u learn [and lose your voice doing so a few times] u will be able to sing night after night and not lose your voice

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