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feedback problems w/ my mark IV


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i've been jamming with a drummer lately in his tiney ass basement and the feedback i've been getting is horendous. i have an ns-2 in the fx loop and when i play in my dorm at high volumes(yes my dorm is a little different then the typical one) i don't get near as much feedback. i've tried doing all the things the manual says like turning down the presence/treble and i've lowered the lead drive which helped a little. i don't have the lead bright pulled either. Yesterday I was even getting feedback on the CLEAN channel :confused: which as never happened before. any idea what's going on are my tubes microphonic or could it just be environmental factors?

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that's strange because i replaced 4 out of the 5 last summer, soooo either that one i didn't touch is bad or when my parents brought up my amp, which they put in the trunk not giving a damn :rolleyes:, that probably did it. :mad:

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