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Future Retro XS or Revolution


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Based on what you've heard and know of me, which FR unit would you suggest? I'd still like a monophonic that's under $1500 and not a moog clone or made by Dave Smith so it looks like FR is it.


Please check my myspace for relations and music to help provide more insight if needed.


Right now, I'm leaning more towards the Revolution.

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I have the 777 and love FR synths. IMO, unless you really need the sequencer on the Revo, get the XS. Having more than one oscillator really broadens the pallette a whole lot. Of course, there is a significant price difference.

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It will be used in conjunction with my MPC. I could get the revo now or the XS next month.


The demos of the XS on You Tube don't really do it justice IMHO. At lot of hard techno type stuff. The main appeal to me with the XS is how much it's like an MS20. I absolutely loved the KLC MS20 for bass.

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I have them both.

I don't know the XS very much right now...Knowing the Revo and getting familiar with it is, of course, a very easy task.

Anyway, i have to admit i use the Revo more than the XS. Reason is that i just love that acid/liquid sound. I never tried to replicate it on the XS, i guess it's possible 'cause the hardware is very similar.

I noticed that the simpler the synth is, the more i'm going to love it. The Revo can do FEW sounds but, if you like that kinda sound, you will never get bored with it.

But, beside its very interesting engine, the XS has also analog CV INs & OUTs. For example, if you have an old analog synth, you can use the XS's as a MIDI to CV converter : i'm using it to MIDI-control the cutoff frequency of the Revo via the modwheel of my controller (a joy), but people at FutureRetro wrote me that it can be used for other interesting applications :


"You can use the Mod Wheel CV out of the XS to control the Revolution's

filter CV in. Since this is twice the usable range, you might want to set

the Filter CV amount control in the Revolution to half or less so the mod

wheel controls the entire range, without going over the usable range.

In addition, you can use the LFO out to get beat-synced filter sweeps, or

use one of the oscillator outputs to FM the Revolution's filter, or use the

ADSR type envelopes of the XS to get reverse attack envelopes in the

Revolution's filter. Lots you can do with those two units together"


Don't forget, if you're thinking about the Revo, that you can feed its input with its output. Never tried this, but i heard it produces interesting sounds.

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Has anybody seen a video of either just doing bass sounds while connected to a keyboard?


Everything I see is always step sequenced or LFO modulated. How about somebody just playing it like they were playing bass in a synthband? :idk:

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I think this all depends on how much you want acid. The XS can do it, but maybe you just want something straight forward like the Revo. There's no reason to go with the Revo if you don't want that. The XS will give you a lot of synth, not a limited tone. From what I know of you and your musik, I think you would be pretty happy with either. So it depends on the here and now. Since it's a toss up imo and you expressed your leaning with the Revo, get the Revo! I'm not as happy when I make compulsive choices compared to when I have a synth I want and know what I will do with - that's when I'm more productive with purchases.

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Thanks for all the input fellas. I may wait for the XS. You see, I also teach the DJ's I work with and want to do it with something knobby but not very expensive. Something about the cost of a DJ rig. These guys are all about software. There's nothing wrong with that but IMHO software provides too many options for a beginner. I also believe that for my studio to be complete, a monophonic is necessary.

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I can only speak from my limited experience with the XS (just a few hours this weekend thanks to my girlfriend coming to town - sigh) comparing it to the 777.


The XS is a much deeper synth. Lots of nice modulation sources and the analog I/O allows for a lot of interesting possibilities. It's one of those "one giant sweetspot" synths while, to my mind, the 777 is a far wilder beast that's more prone to cacophany. I'd expect the Revo to have a much more limited sonic range compared to the XS, especially if the sequencer isn't a major reason for you to buy it - both the Revo and 777 have a reputation for sounding much better when sequenced internally.


I think it's pretty hard to go wrong with anything from FR. Not sure how much store to put in such things, but the Revo doesn't seem to have the same cult appeal that the 777 and XS are enjoying - at least this could factor into resale value down the line.


Need to get home to spend more time with the XS. :mad:

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No resale here. Once my studio is set, this will be it for a while. So I've been going with instruments with some longevity.


Yes, I think I'll wait and grab an XS. Unless somebody takes my for sale items off my hands. :( Then I won't have to wait.

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I've had a 777 for a few years and now I have a Revo.

Revo has the best sequencer, even better than the new Orb due to swing iirc.

'Remix' is a fantastic set of functions (but oddly named) not found on 777 or most other sequencers anywhere. Like having dozens of relative patterns in one. Pure Joy....

The CV outs are very handy w/ other CV/modular gear. I get an 'extra-poppin' bubbly acid sound by attenuating the Revo's CV-trigger out using Moog cp-251 to fire off tighter AR slopes than the stock Revo does by itself. Can also LFO the filter via CV and much other wild {censored}e!

Revo also plays reeeeally wickedly w/ Sherman filterbank :D.. if your A&H has CV then go nuts, mate.


The XS is about the only fixed-architecture monosynth I have GAS for anymore, until I can set aside $3k+ for full-fledged modular or EMS synthi.


So my advice is to save up for both revo and XS. awesome duo.

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I am seriously thinking about selling my XS, let me know if you are interested.


I have been using the XS along with a system-100M and I just don't think that I'm cut out for a modular synth! The revolution is a keeper for me.




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I am seriously thinking about selling my XS, let me know if you are interested.

I have been using the XS along with a system-100M and I just don't think that I'm cut out for a modular synth! The revolution is a keeper for me.




Will do. :thu:

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