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GeneralMusic RP-X UK Dealers

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I don't expect to get many responses to this, but thought I'd try anyway...


I heard some demo's of the RP-X and it sounds brilliant. Really good physical modelled Fazioli and Steinway piano samples that would be a great addition to my rig and really spice up my ageing Technics P50.


The problem is that I cannot find anywhere to buy an RP-X in the UK. Am I right that Gem is bankrupt and does this mean that it is impossible to get hold of their products unless they crop up on ebay?


If this is the case, what is the alternative. I don't want soft synths, so there's the Kurzweil piano modules, but I don't think they sound as good as the RP-X. I think there's a niche in the market there. Yamaha could make a killer, simple piano module (I think their last was the P50m!)

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I WAS DOING SOME IDLE GOOGLEING LAST WEEK AND DISCOVERED (sorry) an Italian MI web shop called Cherubini that had the RP-x module on thier inventory.the price was a very reasonable 349 euros plus shipping made it 373 whick is

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