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opinions on amp setup...

Damon Holland

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Hey all,


I'm looking for some opinions on my rig. Right now it consists of the following:


Roland GP-16 Signal processor

Tubeworks MosValve power amp - Bass player says it sounds BETTER than tubes...YMMV

Ampeg 4x12 cab(cheapie)

And of course my strats...


I while back we showcased for a guy that said he could book us at the local hot spots (places with a large hottie crowd!) We played for him at the local Sherlock's. He liked our sound. Said I could really sing. Gave some constructive criticism about some of the other guys vocals etc. And then said we needed new amps. Not just new amps but TUBE amps. As it is I think I'm getting all I can out of my rig. The processor is the problem. It's old and there isn't really a preamp section. No modeling. It's like a bunch of stomp boxes just all in one box. It sounds ok. Been using it like this for YEARS! I know it's time to upgrade but 've always leaned toward the digital modeling stuff. Line 6, Boss, etc. (Especially those two). I can't say enough about the power amp. It's great! Best money I've ever spent on my rig ever. Well, I'm not sure if I should take his advice and go out and buy a smaller combo tube amp. I'm just not sure if it's for me and I feel I can get what I need from the right processor.Not to mention more versatility. I just wanted to get everyones opinion on this. It seems that as we moved into the 90's a lot of people have moved away from the rack stuff and gone back to more traditional style amps and combos.


I'm not looking to sound just like SRV or Hendrix or Page but close is good enough. At the same time I need to be able to flip the switch and still have a good Metal sound.


So, is a tube amp a must or was he just pushing his opinion on me?



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i am a tube amp freak, but i am also lazy. i started using my pod xt live into whatever amp is found at the gig i am going to play at. it sounds amazing... i love it!!! great stuff.

the pod xt live is the best piece of gear that i have ever bought. i seriously mean that. it has so many practical applications and it's easy to use!!!

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