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Soldano Avenger Pricing?


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Two totally different monsters. Avenger is a single channel amp, tight as all hell, cuts like a knife. Also can be tweaked and tamed quite nicely with backing off on the gain and the usage of the low gain input. Drop your volume and it gets even better. The amp is just a blast to play and experiment with. Avenger is pretty much like a hot rodded JCM800, but a tad bit different.

Fireball is definitely more voiced towards the modern sounds and has that instant switch to clean which is a great tool to have. A lot more loose.

They both are great amps, it just depends what you're looking for, they have very different voicings.

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The fact that they don't give prices on their website is aggrivating, and they haven't replied to my e-mail. I want a whole rundow of thier prices since I have decided now that I love all of their amps... damn soldano GAS. I didn't even know I like soldano till recently, now I am on a quest.

Also, wtf is the space box? Is it just an external reverb tank you can run in your amps effects loops???:confused:

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