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Classic 30 Owners Please Help


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OK so I pull the trigger on a new C30 today for $400. They sounded great at the store on a verys similar guitar to mine so I had him get me a new one out of the back, I didnt get the one I was playing in the store. So I get home and Im immidiatly dissapointed, clean is ok but the overdrive that sounded so great in the store sounds like ass now. Honestly it reminds me of my buddys Bandit 1x12, but I think the bandit was a bit warmer. Do I just need to break the speaker in or what. I would guess that the floor model probably didnt have that many hours on it to break the speaker is so they should sound pretty much the same. Also I got the black one because it the only one they still had new in the box. The one I played in the store was tweed, Im told they are EXACTLY the same amp.


Also I can hear static above the normal amp hum even when my guitar and all the pre and post volumes on the amp are turned down. Its more than the normal amp hum its like if you tune a radio to a frequency that isnt there - static. And its not even, I can hear the volume of the static fluctuating a little. It goes away if I turn all the tone controls to 0. I hear the same static on both channels with or without the boost in. Is this possibly a tube problem. All the tubes glow exept for the first preamp tube next to the power amp tubes.


Please help the amp sounds like totall ass and I researched the {censored} out of this amp and played it in the store many times before I bought it. I play and RG and I always use RGs in the store so you would think it would be pretty damn similar when I get home.


Seriously anywhere past 5 on the preamp volume and it sounds like a metal zone (total {censored}:mad: )


Im thinking of taking it back.

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I dunno what to tell you other than to take it back and exchange it for the floor model or another one that you play there to make sure it's OK. If you have spare tubes you can try swaping some out to see if that is the problem. The only time I have hum issues is if the effects loop cables are laying close to a powercord or some other source of AC but that is to be expected. I would also take YOUR guitar with you to the store when trying out amps.


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Sounds like a tube problem but it's hard to be sure. If possible take it back to the store and play it next to the tweed one to be sure.
My C30 is a great amp and all the good things I'd heard about them are true, HOWEVER, when I plugged mine in for the first time, out of the box, there was just a constant loud noise and it didn't amplify the guitar at all. It turned out to be a loose nut inside in the circuitry which was causing a short, once it was removed everything was fine and it hasn't given any trouble since (4 years).

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Replace V1 and V2 with something other than the Sovetk 12AX7WAs if that is what came in the amp. I like the ECC83S for a more agressive tone and more of a British flavor.

On the output tubes ... again .... try some EL84S in a #5-6 rating and you might be surprised.

If this does not do it and if the amp is running properly then you may need to seek a different amp.

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I'm not sure about the static you're hearing, but can tell you that it took my classic 50 quite a while to get broken in. I had the same problem that you did, the amp at the store sounded so much better than the new one out of the box. IMO, when still new, the speakers seemed very stiff, but after about 6 weeks of relentlessly pounding them with volume, everything came together in a pleasing way.

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Originally posted by speigs

I dunno what to tell you other than to take it back and exchange it for the floor model or another one that you play there to make sure it's OK.



+1. If the floor model sounds great just exchange for it. I'm sure the shop owner if he's cool, will let you do it.

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I just took it back and got a full refund. I think its just not the amp for me. If Im gonna spend $425 on a new amp it needs to sound better than my Flextone II, and to my ears the C30 really didnt sound any better. Oh well I guess I save $425 and can be happy with my Flextone for a while again. Its kinda funny, I had the amp for like two hours and took it back and it totally cured my GAS. Maybe Ill keep the flextone for another year or two untill I can afford an amp that will make my jaw hit the ground everytime I play it. (mesa)

And also thank you to all the C30 owners who told me so much about the amp and gave me tons of info on it, great amp, but just not for me I guess. Thanks guys!:thu:

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