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Bush Spoke At My School!!


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Originally posted by illini




Why should you give him respect just because he has power? He is not the {censored}ing king. This is a democracy. The citizens have the power, they are the voters and taxpayers. He is not Castro or Kim Jong Il, I won't kiss his feet if I meet him. I'll tell him to eat a bowl of dick.

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I saw him once, a couple years ago, maybe 6 months or a year before the second election. It was a pain in the ass to get in. I wasn't impressed, but it got me out of work for a day. They had us there super early, just standing around for hours. Finally they put us all inside, doing all kinds of wanding and such on the way in. He pulled up outside, went through a curtain, made a speech, and went out through the curtain to his car. The car went across the airfield, and he got on to an awaiting helicopter to fly back to AF1. All that got me out of work for a day. I couldn't tell one thing that he talked about. I could barely see him, really, because I was so far in the back.


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Originally posted by Caulk Rocket

Why should you give him respect just because he has power? He is not the {censored}ing king. This is a democracy. The citizens have the power, they are the voters and taxpayers. He is not Castro or Kim Jong Il, I won't kiss his feet if I meet him. I'll tell him to eat a bowl of dick.




You may find this hard to separate, but I did not say you needed to respect George Bush. I said that the office of the Presidency should always be honored no matter who is President.


Believe it or not it is not easy to become President. I actually have more respect for someone who is able to rise to that position on their own through the will of the people. Rather than someone like Castro who doesn't need to care about the people to keep his position in government. In three years we will have another President, while Castro will still be in power because the people do not have a voice.

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