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AMP help: Chocking/Loss/Drop of signal


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Hi all,



I get sometimes using lots of gain (either via my Soulbender fuzz or my BigD overdrive), a very quick loss/drop of signal with some noise in.


The first time i experienced it i addressed it to my pickup switch (Tokai LS85Q) , i cleaned it and it seemed to go away.


It happens very rarely, it is not replicateable hence its tough for me to trace it.


I am using Horizon Studio Series leads with neutrik connectors, Ernie ball patch cables.


Do you reckon its pre-amp or powertubes overloading? Something wrong with my pu swith or jack socket in my guitar? Leads?


I ve put out of the troubleshoot equation anything that has to do with my amp (apart from tubes) since if it was something amp related it would degrade tone permanently.


Any ideas or suggestions? I dont have any spare leads to try on by the way.




I suspect my PU switch or jack. Or tubes.

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