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Bought the amp last Thursday, gigged it all weekend (1 concert, 1 dance and 1 theatre pit show), it is even better than I hoped for. I am going to use it as a replacement for my 2 x AC-30s. It weighs less than 40 lbs, Has 2 channels each with their own effects, is tiny and gives an overdrive sound to die for. Oh and it's F****** loud (250w). Don't believe me, try it!


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Hi jazz_guy,

The clean tone is as you would expect from a high power high headroom amp, good bass response and a decent chime. There is also the ability to switch to an alternative preamp setting to give a bassman type sound. Try to demo it and see for yourself, all I can say is after a history of searching for my perfect amp (41 to be exact) I think I have found it. I work a lot in theatre pit bands, so I need to have both good clean and overdrive channels, and this works for me.


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