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what would be the best signal boosting pedal ?


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I think this might belong in the Effects forum, but I'll toss my two cents in. Strictly signal-boosting, a Seymour Duncan Pickup Booster is your ticket. Dead clean, completely transparent, and loads of boost. If you're talking about throwing a boost in front to tighten up your distortion, any of the Tubescreamer variants are popular with the 5150. TSs, SD-1s, Maxon OD808s, there's a ton of them.

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I find it to be the best. It sounds pretty much identical to a tubescreamer and for using it as a boost the differences are even more minimal than using it as an actual OD. The Bad Monkey shines for me because of the bass control. Nearly every other OD out there sucks out some low end when using it as a boost while the Bad Monkey is adjustable to fix this problem and even add some low end if you so desire.

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i might get the maxon ts808 but im not sure how many music shops have it here. this is my first time using a boost so do you plug it in the same way you use other pedals and do you turn the gain all the way down and the level all the way up?

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Originally posted by vic

i might get the maxon ts808 but im not sure how many music shops have it here. this is my first time using a boost so do you plug it in the same way you use other pedals and do you turn the gain all the way down and the level all the way up?



if you use it like this you can as well go for the bad monkey IMHO- as it will do exactly the same thing that the maxon does. maybe even better because of the two tone knobs.

i think the more of the gain dial you'll use, the more you should prefer he maxon over the bad monkey- but if you just want a clean boost there's better and cheaper ones than the maxon 808.


for instance try an eq pedal in front of the amp.

mxr 10-band, mxr 6band, dan-o or dod fx40b should do the job.

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Originally posted by Savo

I just got delivery of a bad monkey about an hour ago here at work. Cant wait to go home and plug it in. I just bought it out of curiosity. Its only $35 so if i dont use it who cares





If it's available to you down in perth, just get it for that price and see if you like it. Then, keep shopping if you wish. I am.

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