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Anyone here familiar with Reason 3.0?


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My friend gave me a bunch of FXpansion BFD drum kits (on DVD) I installed it all (about 8 gigs worth) and everything works if I open it as its own application.


Now here'S my question: How can I use these kits with Reason? When I try to import them into ReDrum it says its incompatible (the files are something like 20megs for a 0.3 second .wav file)


I don't know what to do with that.

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Originally posted by desiderium

you can't simply load a kit in. you have to use the redrum and load actual audio samples of each drum hit... not a kit.



Yes, that's what I did. But since most of the redrum factory samples are normally encoded .wav files, and the BFD files are HUGE 30-30meg files each, it won't accept them for some reason "unknown format" it says, despite that they are also .wavs.

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Originally posted by Mickaroony

You can't load BFD samples because they are surround encoded stereo files.

The BFD interface is basically just a surround decoder.



Thanks for the reply!


Which sequencer can I use with BFD?


I have Sonar but I have no clue how to put these things together.

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BFD should work any sequencer that supports VST, RTAS etc. I've only used it in Cubase SX so can't advise about Sonar.

Just like to add one more thing, if you end up using the software a lot, please buy it. Fxpansion are a small company and have put heaps of work into BFD's development.

Something to think about anyway

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Originally posted by Mickaroony

BFD should work any sequencer that supports VST, RTAS etc. I've only used it in Cubase SX so can't advise about Sonar.

Just like to add one more thing, if you end up using the software a lot, please buy it. Fxpansion are a small company and have put heaps of work into BFD's development.

Something to think about anyway



I will! If I can get the damn thing to work... heh.


Sorry if I keep bugging you with this but I'm kind of new to the whole VST stuff.


I havn't been able to find any kind of tutorial on how I can use it with a sequencer.


Do I have to load individual samples manually into the sequencer or will BFD plug itself in as an additional plugin or...? I'm totally clueless.

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Originally posted by Mickaroony

Just like to add one more thing, if you end up using the software a lot, please buy it. Fxpansion are a small company and have put heaps of work into BFD's development.




Never used BFD, but something funny: i bought a fully legit copy of Cubase SX3. My cracked version of SX3 runs about 120298102948 times better than the legit one! Plus I save a USB slot... go figure


I inintially downloaded drumkit from hell after seeing people here waffle on about it. I didn't buy drumkit from hell, I actually went out and bought DFH Superior and glad muchly that I did! They do good work!

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