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Egnater modules / Randall modules

Kevin Pelletier

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I just ordered a Egnater Mod 100 with the following


Blackface Fender twin , Egnater TOL 3/4 , and Egnater High Gain.


I was wondering has anyone tried some of the improved Randall modules with the Egnater ?


Also , does anyone own some of both Egnater/ Randall as I have heard the Egnater's use better components , but is there a great difference in sound between them ?


I am also very curious about some of the new George Lynch modules that will be comming out as they sound like there going to be pretty sweet.

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I think I bought Tony's first RM100 Nov. of '04. Tweed grill clothe front. There's so many people I've bought from I can't remember!

He still posts, he just doesn't come around that often. Some excuse like being busy over at Randall or something :p. I think he's just tired of answering all of our questions.

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Layouts are there, not schematics. They just show the parts and location of parts, there are no wiring diagrams or schems shown.

BTW, I asked Bruce about using vintage 6V6s, he said he had no idea. So... guess I'll find out when my head gets here. :)


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