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How close does the Randall mts XTC compare

Kevin Pelletier

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Originally posted by Kevin Pelletier

I was curious if the Randall Mts XTC module comes close to the actual Bogner ectacsy amp tone.

Can anyone comment on this ?



I own a Randall MTS RM20 with a JTM module.


But before I bought mine, I played all but a few of the modules through not only mine, but a RM100 head as well.


I've never owned a Bogner or played through one, but I've heard plenty of clips. I played the XTC module extensively when I was condsidering which module to buy first. I almost bought the XTC because it was the closest thing I'd ever heard to the real thing.


Only reason I didn't is because the JTM45 module is far more versatile, and versatility is what I was looking for in my first module.


But I fully plan on picking up the XTC module soon.


Hope that helps!



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I own the Rm100m and the XTC module, but I have never played the actual bogner. For what my opinion is worth the XTC is one hell of a module. It has that nice layered open kind of distortion found in higher priced amps. Im a big tool fan and I know I can coax a good diezel tone from it. It is very midrangey but can be scooped.

I have heard from others that have played both and say it does the red channel perfectly. But to note no modeling amp on the planet will sound exactly like the real thing, and with this amp you also have to watch what power tubes you use, a marshall module wont sound exactly like a marshall if you're using 6l6 tubes.


If you already own the Randall I would recommend getting the XTC.

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