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Poly Evolver POT Edition


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Just received some info that DSI will be producing A POT edition to the Poly Evolver. A rep had informed me that they are discontinuing the regular version and will be making the POT edition only. Almost pulled the trigger on the old version moments ago. Even though my source is reliable, and this doesn't come to fruition, hopefully i wont be flamed to badly. :poke:

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That's the same that I've heard. They did it to the Prophet and now it looks like they will make the PEK PE. Hmm, I should've tried to confirm. I just had a jar of deoxit sent to me. Is this going to mean less jumpy pots? If deoxit will fix my jumpy knob problem, then I'm not so sure I would want a PE, but I'd still have to try it. I like continuous encoders, but maybe the PE will be more practical, which could definitely be a bonus and make the PEK easier to edit. Either way, I want to get silver knobs for mine. Something says delicious about this:



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I love pot with my PEK! :love:


wait... what?



This is seriously delicious news- or maybe I should say a seriously delicious rumor. The DSI webstore offers conversion kits for the Prophet '08 to convert to pots. I wonder if they'll do the same for the Evolver.


Does deoxit really fix the weird encoders, or does it just make them slightly less weird? Maybe I should just try it and see.

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