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Marshall 8080 combo


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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for information about the Marshall Valvestate 8080 combo.


I'm playing Grunge to Death metal..


Can I get a nice sound out of it ?


I've a deal on one.


Thanks for your reply

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I had one of these for several years before picking up a tube Marshall. The sound I got out of it wasn't bad for a little practice amp, and it would work for the types of sounds you're describing if your limited to about $150. I honestly think the modelers will get you a better sound than this for just a little more money.


I thought the distortion was just way too grainy and the amp sounded fairly thin. In retrospect, I wonder whether the amp would benefit from a speaker change...

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I got a deal of 250$ canadian for it.


I just need an amp to gig with my friends and have a good distortion sound. I play metal most of the time.


I own a Studio pro 112 and I can't get any decent sound of metal out of it.


Is the 8080 better than the Studio pro?


Thanks for the reply

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Originally posted by DeClo

I got a deal of 250$ canadian for it.

I just need an amp to gig with my friends and have a good distortion sound. I play metal most of the time.

I own a Studio pro 112 and I can't get any decent sound of metal out of it.

Is the 8080 better than the Studio pro?

Thanks for the reply



I took mine to about 2 rehersals with a band I was auditioning for. Could barely make it over the drums, and wasn't pretty while trying. I didn't try running it through a bigger cab, but I'm sure that would have helped significantly.


I'm not familiar with the Studio Pro. I guess that price Canadian isn't bad. I don't have a good feel for other options at that price point...

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