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Nord Stage 2 Anyone Know How Soon?


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I tried to search but it wasn't working or I would have just added to a possible older thread.


Anyone with any insider info know how soon we might expect a Stage 2 with update features of C1 organ and sample, etc.? I've been thinking about picking up a EX Compact preferably used but thought it would be nice to have the update features. This would be nice.

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Clavia lost me when they gave the electro 3 a better B3 sound than their more expensive Stage.....makes no sense to have your flagship product have more more/better features than your less expensive product.

But yeah eventually there will be a Stage 2 with the C2 Organ, but anyone who might know when is not going to post that info here.

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Clavia lost me when they gave the electro 3 a better B3 sound than their more expensive Stage.....makes no sense to have your flagship product have more more/better features than your less expensive product.

But yeah eventually there will be a Stage 2 with the C2 Organ, but anyone who might know when is not going to post that info here.



Yeah I hear you there, alot of other people feel the same way that the Stage should have all the features of at least the Electro 3. Nord says that it's not possible though even on the EX because it would require a hardware change, not just a software update.


There's no mod wheel though on the Electro 3, so even though it's nice to use samples, you have no expressive control over them. Also it would be nice to have a mod wheel to control external synths, etc.


Well I disagree though about people in the know posting here...stuff gets leaked and/or people do post on HC and other forums, but in general yeah you're right.


I will probably use a Macbook Pro and controller for now instead of the Stage. Cheaper and more choices/depth, but a possibility of crashes. Does anyone know if modeled instruments like pianos etc. use more CPU then sampled versions? Just curious.

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If the Stage had the sample upload and C2 organ it would be pretty near the perfect gigging board..its not far off as it is.


What im craving though is the ability to use the Nord Sample Library, the C2 Organ and better Rhodes Samples. Oh yeah and Clavinet Mute Samples...


If and when they bring these features to the Stage ill be selling my Stage compact pronto and grabbing a Stage 2 or whatever its gonna be called.

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yeah the Stage 2, too good to be true but one will see, probably not to soon on the market though I guess.

But I wonder if -just for the sample playback- it would not be possible to just convert the samples into the .npno format and load them into the 6*10=60 available slots on the NS. OK, one would have to remember that e.g. Grand#6=Mellotron strings but what the heck.

That does not sound infeasible to me given that both file formats basically contain samples and the mapping to keys (and velocities), etc.


Would already give 60% of the E3 features to the Stages (of course, C1 would be great but thats another story).

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